Please contact us at 905-706-1009 for more information!

Nova’s Ark programs are designed to fit individual needs. We focus on the individual’s strengths and enhance their strategies for success. Each person shines in their own way and our goal is to empower them to be who they are.

Out of the Box

Summer Program
We provide clinical partnerships with over 10 Universities and Colleges across Ontario.
Occupational Therapy
Social Work
Early Childhood Studies
Child and Youth Studies
Recreational Therapy
Child and Youth Workers
Early Childhood Educators
Human Resource
Occupational Therapy Assistants
Personal Care Workers
Public Relations
Recreation & Leisure Services
Social Services Worker
Mental Health and Addiction Worker
Animal Care
Animal Care
Animal Care Assistants
Veterinary Tech Assistants
Animal Assisted Therapy
Nova’s Ark is home to a variety of animals, each with their own unique story to share.

Animal Interaction
We strive to improve the lives of our students through education of Academic, Behavioral, Cognitive, and Social Skills.
Facilitated by one of Nova’s Ark’s animal care mentors who ensures the dignity and respect of our animals.
Sharing of knowledge and an opportunity to observe, touch, and/or hold our animal friends.
May involve participation in animal care duties.
Our Staff
Board of Directors, Resource Team & Support Staff