(905) 706-1009


Nova’s Ark has created an inter-professional teams working in an inclusive natural environment. We provide clinical partnerships with over 10 Universities and Colleges across Ontario.

Nova’s Ark provides internship students with the opportunity to work within an inter-professional team that can include University, College and Animal Care field placement students. All internship students are involved in hands on learning to facilitate and implement individualized programming for adults and children with varied abilities, through the guidance of our inter-professional Resource Team. We are a unique learning facility that allows individuals the opportunity to think outside the box in a natural teaching/learning environment that promotes building acceptance through understanding.


Occupational Therapy
Social Work


Child and Youth Workers
Early Childhood Educators
Human Resource
Occupational Therapy Assistants
Personal Care Workers
Public Relations
Recreation & Leisure Services
Social Services Worker
Mental Health and Addiction Worker

Animal Care

Animal Care
Animal Care Assistants
Veterinary Tech Assistants

If you are interested in pursuing a clinical internship at Nova’s Ark, we ask that you read our website and submit your resume and covering letter to: novasark@sympatico.ca. All candidates will participate in a 3 hour working interview to see if we are the clinical education setting for you.

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